1. sub.stan.tive \'s*b-st*n-tiv\ \-st*nt-iv-.i-z\ n [ME substantif, fr. MF,
fr. substantif, adj., having or expressing]substance, fr. LL substantivus :
NOUN; broadly : a word or word group functioning syntactic ally as a noun -
sub.stan.tiv.ize vt
2. sub.stan.tive \'s*b-st*n-tiv; except 2c & 3 also s*b-'stant-iv\ aj [ME,
fr. LL substantivus having substance, fr. L substantia] 1: being a totally
independent entity 2a: real rather than apparent : FIRM; also : ENDURINGM,
PERMANENT 2b: of the nature of substance : ESSENTIAL 2c: betokening or
expressing existence {the ~ verb is the verb to be} 3a: having the nature
or function of a grammatical substantive {a ~R phrase} 3b: relating to or
having the character of a noun or pronominal term in lo gic 4: considerable
in amount or numbers : SUBSTANTIAL 5: creating and defining rights and
duties {~ law} - av