Webster's English Dictionary

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1. show.er \'shau.(*-)r\ \-e-\ n [ME shour, fr. OE scu-r; akin to OHG scu-r 
   shower, L Xcaurus northwest wind 1a: a fall of rain of short duration  1b: 
   a like fall of sleet, hail, or snow  2: something resembling a rain shower  
   3: a party given by friends who bring gifts often of a particular kind  - 
   show.ery aj
2. shower vi 1: to rain or fall in or as if in a shower  2: to bathe in a 
   shower bath  1: to wet copiously (as with water) in a spray, fine stream, 
   or drops  2: to give in abundance 
3. show.er \'sho-(-*)r\ n : one that shows : EXHIBITOR