Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. quick                 
1. prompt \'pra:m(p)t\ vt [ME prompten, fr. ML promptare, fr. L promptus 
   prompt] 1: to move to action : INCITE  2: to assist (one acting or 
   reciting) by suggesting the next words of some thing forgotten or 
   imperfectly learned : CUE 3: to serve as the inciting cause of : URGE  - 
   prompt.er n
2. prompt \'pra:m(p)-tle-, 'pra:m-ple-\ \'pra:mt-n*s, 'pra:mp-n*s\ aj [ME, 
   fr. MF or L; MF, fr. L promptus ready, prompt, fr. pp. of promere] to bring 
   forth, fr. pro- forth + emere to take - more at REDEEM 1: being ready and 
   quick to act as occasion demands : PUNCTUAL  2: performed readily or 
   immediately {~ assistance}  3: of or relating to prompting actors {~ side}  
   - prompt.ly av
3. prompt \'pra:m(t)s, 'pra:mps\ n or prompts pl  1: REMINDER  2: a limit 
   of time given for payment of an account for goods purchased;  also : the 
   contract by which this time is fixed