Webster's English Dictionary

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1. cure \'kyu.(*)r\ \-l*s\ n [ME, fr. OF, fr. ML & L; ML cura, cure of 
   souls, fr. L, care] 1a: spiritual charge : CARE  1b: pastoral charge of a 
   parish  2a: recovery or relief from a disease  2b: an agency that cures a 
   disease  2c: a course or period of treatment  2d: SPA  3: a process or 
   method of curing  - cure.less aj
2. cure \'kyu.r-*r\ vt 1a: to restore to health, soundness, or normality  
   1b: to bring about recovery from  2a: RECTIFY, REMEDY  2b: to free from 
   something objectionable or harmful  3: to prepare by chemical or physical 
   processing for keeping or use  1: to undergo a curing process  2: to effect 
   a cure fter disease; HEAL may also apply to this but commonly suggests 
   restoring to soundness after a wound or sore; REMEDY suggests correction or 
   relief of a morbid or evil condition often without implying permanence or 
   completeness of effect - cur.er n SYN syn HEAL, REMEDY: CURE implies 
   restoration to health a 
3. cu.re \kyu.-'ra-, 'kyu.(*)r-.a-\ n [F, fr. cure cure of souls - more at 
   CURATE] : a parish priest