Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. inactive               2. prone                 
1. su.pine \su.-'pi-n\ \-'pi-n-n*s\ aj [L supinus; akin to L sub under, up 
   to - more at UP] 1a: lying on the back or with the face upward  1b: marked 
   by supination  2: manifesting mental or moral slackness : ABJECT  archaic  
   3: leaning or sloping backward  - su.pine.ly av
2. su.pine \'su:-.pi-n\ n [ME supyn, fr. LL supinum, fr. L, neut. of 
   supinus, adj.] 1: a Latin verbal noun having an accusative of purpose in 
   -um and an  ablative of specification in -u 2: an Engligh infinitive with 