Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. long                  
1. pine \'pi-n\ vi [ME pinen, fr. OE pi-nian, fr. (assumed) OE pi-n 
   punish]ment, fr. L poena - more at PAIN 1: to lose vigor, health, or flesh 
   (as through grief) : LANGUISH  2: to yearn intensely 
2. pine or pin.ey \'pi--ne-\ n [ME, fr. OE pi-n, fr. L pinus; akin to Gk 
   pitys pine, L  often attrib Xopimus fat - more at FAT 1: any of a genus 
   (Pinus of the family Pinaceae, the pine family) of  coniferous evergreen 
   trees having slender elongated needles and including valuable timber trees 
   as well as many ornamentals 2: the straight-grained white or yellow usu. 
   durable and resinous wood of a  pine varying from extreme softness in the 
   white pine (Pinus strobus) to hardness in the longleaf pine (P. palustris) 
   and related forms 3: any of various Australian coniferous trees (as of the 
   genera Callitri s, Araucaria, or Cupressus) 4: PINEAPPLE  - pin.y aj