Webster's English Dictionary

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in.ac.tive \(')in-'ak-tiv\ \.in-(.)ak-'tiv-*t-e-\ aj : not active : as  : 
   SEDENTARY  : INDOLENT, SLUGGISH  : being out of use  : relating to members 
   of the armed forces who are not performing or ava ilable for military 
   duties of a disease  : QUIESCENT  : chemically inert  : optically neutral 
   in polarized light  : biologically inert because of the loss of some 
   quality  applies to anyone or anything not in action or in operation or at 
   work; IDLE applies to persons that are not busy or occupied or to their 
   powers or their implements; INERT as applied to things implies 
   powerlessness to move or to affect other things; as applied to persons it 
   suggests an inherent or habitual indisposition to activity; PASSIVE implies 
   immobility or lack of normally expected response to an external force or 
   influence and often suggests deliberate submissiveness or self-control; 
   SUPINE applies only to persons and commonly implies abjectness or indolence 
   - in.ac.tive.ly av SYN syn IDLE, INERT, PASSIVE, SUPINE: INACTIVE