Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. elastic               
1. sup.ple or sup.ply \'s*p-*l also 'su:p-\ \-(*-)l*r\ \-(*-)l*st\ 
   \-*(l)-le-\ \-(*-)le-\ \-*l-n*s\ aj or sup.pler;  or sup.plest [ME souple, 
   fr. OE, fr. L supplic-, supplex submissive, suppl]iant, lit., bending 
   under, fr. sub- + plic- (akin to plicare to fold) - more at PLY 1a: 
   compliant often to the point of obsequiousness  1b: readily adaptable or 
   responsive to new situations  2a: capable of being bent or folded without 
   creases, cracks, or breaks :  PLIANT {~ leather} 2b: able to perform 
   bending or twisting movements with ease and grace :  LIMBER {~ legs of a 
   dancer} - sup.plely av
2. supple \-(*-)lin\ vt or sup.pling 1: to make pacific or complaisant  2: 
   to alleviate with a slave  3: to make flexible or pliant  : to become soft 
   and pliant