Webster's English Dictionary

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1. elas.tic \i-'las-tik\ \-ti-k(*-)le-\ aj [NL elasticus, fr. LGk elastos 
   ductile, beaten, fr. Gk elaunein)X to drive, beat out; akin to OIr luid he 
   went of a solid  1a: capable of recovering size and shape after deformation 
    of a gas  1b: capable of indefinite expansion  2: capable of recovering 
   quickly esp. from depression or disappointment  3: capable of being easily 
   stretched or expanded and resuming former shape  : FLEXIBLE 4a: capable of 
   ready change or easy expansion or contraction  4b: receptive to new ideas : 
   ADAPTABLE STIC implies the property of resisting deformation by stretching; 
   RESILIENT implies the ability to recover shape quickly when the deforming 
   force or pressure is removed; SPRINGY stresses both the ease with which 
   something yields to pressure and the quickness of its return to original 
   shape; FLEXIBLE applies to something which may or may not be resilient or 
   elastic but which can be bent or folded without breaking; SUPPLE applies to 
   something that can be readily bent, twisted, or folded without any sign of 
   injury - elas.ti.cal.ly av SYN syn RESILIENT, SPRINGY, FLEXIBLE, SUPPLE: 
2. elastic n 1a: an elastic fabric usu. made of yarns containing rubber  
   1b: something made from such fabric  2a: easily stretched rubber usu. 
   prepared in cords, strings, or bands  2b: a rubber band