Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. mercy                 
1. grace \'gra-s\ \'gra-s-f*l\ \-f*-le-\ n [ME, fr. OF, fr. L gratia favor, 
   charm, thanks, fr. gratus pleasing], grateful; akin to OHG queran to sigh, 
   Skt grsub-dot>na-ti he praises 1a: unmerited divine assistance given man 
   for his regeneration or sanctific ation 1b: a state of sanctification 
   enjoyed through divine grace  1c: a virtue coming from God  2: a short 
   prayer at a meal asking a blessing or giving thanks  3a: KINDNESS, FAVOR  
   archaic  3b: MERCY, PARDON  3c: a special favor : PRIVILEGE  3d: REPRIEVE, 
   MARGIN  3e: APPROVAL, ACCEPTANCE {stayed in his good ~s> 4a: a charming 
   trait or accomplishment  4b1: ATTRACTIVENESS, BEAUTY  4b2: fitness or 
   proportion of line or expression  4b3: ease of movement or charm of bearing 
    5: a musical trill, turn, or appoggiatura  6: - used as a title for a 
   duke, a duchess, or an archbishop  7: sense of propriety or right; also : 
   CONSIDERATENESS, TH OUGHTFULNESS pl, cap  8: three sister goddesses in 
   Greek mythology who are the givers of charm an d beauty - grace.ful aj
2. grace vt 1: HONOR  2: ADORN, EMBELLISH  3: to add grace notes or other 
   musical ornamentation to