Webster's English Dictionary

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1. sup \'s*p\ vb or supped;  or sup.ping [ME suppen, fr. OE su-pan, suppan; 
   akin to OHG su-fa]n to drink, sip, OE su-can to suck - more at SUCK : to 
   take or drink in swallows or gulps  chiefly dial  : to take food and esp. 
   liquid food into the mouth a little at a time eit her by drinking or with a 
2. sup n : a mouthful esp. of liquor or broth : SIP; also : a small  
   quantity of liquid {a ~ of tea}
3. sup vi or supped;  or sup.ping [ME soupen, suppen, fr. OF souper, fr. 
   soupe sop, soup]- more at SOUP 1: to eat the evening meal  2: to make one's 
   supper - used with on or off {~ on  roast beef}