Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. consonant             
1. sym.pa.thet.ic \.sim-p*-'thet-ik\ \-i-k(*-)le-\ aj [NL sympatheticus, 
   fr. L sympathia sympathy] 1: existing or operating through an affinity, 
   interdependence, or mutual a ssociation 2a: not discordant or antagonistic  
   2b: appropriate to one's mood, inclinations, or disposition  2c: marked by 
   kindly or pleased appreciation  3: given to, marked by, or arising from 
   sympathy, compassion, friendliness , and sensitivity to others' emotions 4: 
   favorably inclined : APPROVING  5: showing empathy  6a: of or relating to 
   the sympathetic nervous system  6b: mediated by or acting on the 
   sympathetic nerves  7: relating to musical tones produced by means of 
   sympathetic vibration or  so tuned as to sound by sympathetic vibration - 
   sym.pa.thet.i.cal.ly av
2. sympathetic n : a sympathetic structure