Webster's English Dictionary

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1. mood \'mu:d\ n [ME, fr. OE mo-d; akin to OHG muot mood, L mos will, 
   custo]m 1: a conscious state of mind or predominant emotion : FEELING  
   archaic  2: a fit of anger : RAGE  3: a prevailing attitude : DISPOSITION 
   nd in which an emotion or set of emotions gains ascendancy. MOOD implies 
   pervasiveness and compelling quality of the emotion; HUMOR implies a mood 
   that results from one's special temperament or one's physical or mental 
   condition at the moment; TEMPER suggests a mood dominated by a single 
   strong emotion such as anger; VEIN suggests a transitory mood or humor SYN 
   syn MOOD, HUMOR, TEMPER, VEIN mean a state of mi 
2. mood n [alter. of 1mode] 1: the form of a syllogism according to the 
   quantity and quality of the con stituent propositions 2: distinction of 
   form or a particular set of inflectional forms of a verb  to express 
   whether the action or state it denotes is conceived as fact or in some 
   other manner (as command, possibility, or wish) 3: MODE