Webster's English Dictionary

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1. con.so.nant \ka:n(t)-s(*-)n*nt\ n [ME, fr. L consonant-, consonans, fr. 
   prp. of consonare] 1: one of a class of speech sounds (as /p/, /g  -, /n/, 
   /l/, /s/, /r/) characterized by constriction or closure at one or more 
   points in the breath channel 2: a letter representing a consonant; esp : 
   any letter of the Engli sh alphabet except a, e, i, o, and u
2. consonant aj [MF, fr. L consonant-, consonans prp. of consonare to sound 
   t]ogether, agree, fr. com- + sonare to sound 1: being in agreement or 
   harmony  2: marked by musical consonances  3: having like sounds {~ words}  
   4: relating to or exhibiting consonance : RESONANT , SYMPATHETIC: CONSONANT 
   implies the absence of elements making for discord or difficulty; 
   CONSISTENT may also imply this or it may stress absence of contradiction 
   between things or between details of the same thing; COMPATIBLE suggests 
   having a capacity for existing or functioning together without 
   disagreement, discord, or mutual interference; CONGRUOUS is more positive 
   in suggesting a pleasing effect resulting from fitness or appropriateness 
   of component elements; CONGENIAL implies a generally satisfying harmony 
   between personalities or a fitness to one's personal taste; SYMPATHETIC 
   suggests a more subtle or quieter kind of harmony than CONGENIAL -