Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. worry                 
1. tease \'te-z\ \'te--zin-le-\ vt [ME tesen, fr. OE t-san; akin to 
   OHG zeisan to te]ase 1a: to disentangle and lay parallel by combing or 
   carding {~ wool)> 1b: TEASEL  2: to tear in pieces; esp : to shred (a 
   tissue or specimen) for mi croscopic examination 3a: to annoy persistently 
   : HARASS  3b: TANTALIZE  3c: to goad to anger, resentment, or confusion 
   esp. in sport : TORMEN T 3d: to annoy with petty persistent requests : 
   PESTER; also :: to obtain by repeated coaxing 3e: to persuade to acquiesce 
   esp. by persistent small efforts : COAX)M - teas.er n
2. tease n 1: the act of teasing : the state of being teased  2: one that 