Webster's English Dictionary

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1. tele.graph \-.graf\ n [F te`le`graphe, fr. te`le`- tele- (fr. Gk te-le-) 
   + (X-graphe -graph 1: an apparatus for communication at a distance by coded 
   signals; esp  : an apparatus, system, or process for communication at a 
   distance by electric transmission over wire 2: TELEGRAM 
2. telegraph \t*-'leg-r*-f*r\ \-f*st\ vt 1a: to send or communicate by or 
   as if by telegraph  1b: to send a telegram to  1c: to send by means of a 
   telegraphic order  2: to make known by signs esp. unknowingly and in 
   advance {~ a pun ch} - te.leg.ra.pher n