Cross references:
1. deplete
1. drain \'dra-n\ vb [ME draynen, fr. OE dre-ahnian] obs 1: FILTER 2a: to
draw off (liquid) gradually or completely 2b: to cause the gradual
disappearance of 2c: to exhaust physically or emotionally 3a: to make
gradually dry 3b: to carry away the surface water of 3c: EMPTY, EXHAUST
1a: to flow off gradually 1b: to disappear gradually : DWINDLE 2: to
become emptied or freed of liquid by its flowing or dropping 3: to
discharge surface or surplus water - drain.er n
2. drain n 1: a means by which liquid or other matter is drained 2a: the
act of draining 2b: a gradual outflow or withdrawal : DEPLETION 3:
something that causes depletion : BURDEN