Webster's English Dictionary

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1. till.er \'til-*r\ n : one that tills : CULTIVATOR 
2. til.ler \'til-*r\ n [ME tiler stock of a crossbow, fr. MF telier, lit., 
   beam of a loom,] fr. ML telarium, fr. L tela web - more at TOIL : a lever 
   used to turn the rudder of a boat from side to side 
3. til.ler n [fr. (assumed) ME, fr. OE telgor, telgra twig, shoot; akin to 
   OHG (Xzelga twig, Gk daidalos ingeniously formed - more at CONDOLE : 
   SPROUT, STALK; esp : one from the base of a plant or  from the axils of its 
   lower leaves
4. tiller \'til-(*-)rin\ vi or til.ler.ing of a plant  : to put forth 