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Cross references:
  1. pillory                2. clone                 
1. stock \'sta:k\ n [ME stok, fr. OE stocc; akin to OHG stoc stick, MIr 
   tu-]ag bow 1a: STUMP  archaic  1b: a log or block of wood  1c1: something 
   without life or consciousness  1c2: a dull, stupid, or lifeless person  2: 
   a supporting framework or structure : as  pl  2a: the frame or timbers 
   holding a ship during construction  pl  2b: a timber frame with holes to 
   contain the feet or feet and hands of an o ffender undergoing public 
   punishment 2c1: the wooden part by which a rifle or shotgun is held during 
   firing  2c2: the butt of an implement (as a whip or fishing rod)  2c3: 
   BITSTOCK, BRACE  2d1: a long beam on a field gun forming the third support 
   point in firing  2d2: the beam of a plow to which handles, share, colter, 
   and moldboard are  secured 3a: the main stem of a plant : TRUNK  3b1: a 
   plant or plant part united with a scion in grafting and supplying mo stly 
   underground parts to a graft 3b2: a plant from which slips or cuttings are 
   taken  4: the crosspiece of an anchor  5a: the original (as a man, race, or 
   language) from which others derive :  SOURCE 5b1: the descendants of one 
   individual : FAMILY, LINEAGE  5b2: a compound organism  5c: an 
   infraspecific group usu. having unity of descent  5d1: a related group of 
   languages  5d2: a language family  6a1: the equipment, materials, or 
   supplies of an establishment  6a2: LIVESTOCK  6b: a store or supply 
   accumulated; esp : the inventory of goods of  a merchant or manufacturer 7: 
   the capital that a firm employs in the conduct of business : as  7a1: the 
   debt due from a government or private company or corporation to in 
   dividuals for money loaned at interest and not divided into shares 7a2: a 
   security representing such a debt or fund - usu. used in pl.  7b1: the 
   proprietorship element in a corporation divided into shares giving  to the 
   owners an interest in its assets and earnings and usu. voting power 7b2: a 
   share of such stock  7b3: a security representing such a share  8: any of a 
   genus (Matthiola) of herbs or subshrubs of the mustard fa mily with racemes 
   of usu. sweet-scented flowers 9: a wide band or scarf worn about the neck 
   esp. by some clergymen  10a: liquid in which meat, fish, or vegetables are 
   simmered used as a basis  for soup, stew, gravy, or sauce 10b: raw material 
   from which something is manufactured  10c: the portion of a pack of cards 
   not distributed to the players at the b eginning of a game 11a1: the act of 
   estimating or evaluating  11a2: the estimation in which someone or 
   something is held  11b: confidence or faith placed in someone or something  
   12: the production and presentation of plays by a stock company 
2. stock vt 1: to make (a domestic animal) pregnant  2: to fit to or with a 
   stock  3: to provide with stock or a stock : SUPPLY  4: to procure or keep 
   a stock of  5: to graze (livestock) on land  1: to send out new shoots  2: 
   to put in stock or supplies {~ up on supplies} 
3. stock av : COMPLETELY - used in combination {stood stock-still} 
4. stock aj 1a: kept regularly in stock {come in ~ sizes} {a ~ model } 1b: 
   commonly used or brought forward : STANDARD {the ~ ans wer} 2a: kept for 
   breeding purposes : BROOD {a ~ mare}  2b: devoted to the breeding and 
   rearing of livestock {~ farm}  2c: used or intended for livestock {~ train} 
    3: of or relating to a stock company