Webster's English Dictionary

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1. tithe \'ti-th\ vb [ME tithen, fr. OE teogothian, fr. teogotha tenth] 1: 
   to pay or give a tenth part of esp. for the support of the church  2: to 
   levy a tithe on  : to pay tithe  - tith.er n
2. tithe n [ME, fr. OE teogotha tenth; akin to MLG tegede tenth; both fr. a 
   pr]ehistoric WGmc derivative of the word represented by OE ti-en ten - more 
   at TEN 1: a tenth part paid in kind or money as a voluntary contribution or 
   as a t ax esp. for the support of a religious establishment 2: the 
   obligation represented by individual tithes - usu. used without ar ticle 
   3a: TENTH  3b: a small part  4: a small tax or levy