Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. banish                 2. carry                  3. ecstasy               
1. trans.port \tran(t)s-'po-(*)rt, -'po.(*)rt\ 
   \.tran(t)s-.po-rt-*-'bil-*t-e-, -.po.rt-\ \tran(t)s-'po-rt-*-b*l, -'po.rt-\ 
   vt [ME transporten, fr. MF or L; MF transporter, fr. L transportare], fr. 
   trans- + portare to carry - more at FARE 1: to convey from one place to 
   another : CARRY  2: ENRAPTURE {~ed with delight}  3: to send to a penal 
   colony overseas  - trans.port.abil.i.ty n
2. trans.port \'tran(t)s-.po-(*)rt, -.po.(*)rt\ n often attrib  1: act of 
   transporting : TRANSPORTATION  2: strong or intensely pleasurable emotion : 
   ECSTASY, RAPTURE  {~s of joy} 3a: a ship for carrying soldiers or military 
   equipment  3b: a vehicle (as a truck or plane) used to transport persons or 
   goods  3c: a system of public conveyance : TRANSIT  4: a transported 