Webster's English Dictionary

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ec.sta.sy \'ek-st*-se-\ n [ME extasie, fr. MF, fr. LL ecstasis, fr. Gk 
   ekstasis, fr. Xexistanai to derange, fr. ex out + histanai to cause to 
   stand 1a: a state of being beyond reason and self-control  archaic  1b: 
   SWOON  2: a state of overwhelming emotion; esp : rapturous delight  3: 
   TRANCE; esp : a mystic or prophetic trance n of mind and feelings: ECSTASY 
   and RAPTURE both suggest a state of trance or near immobility produced by 
   an overmastering emotion; ECSTASY may apply to any strong emotion (as joy, 
   fear, rage, adoration); RAPTURE usu. implies intense bliss or beatitude. 
   TRANSPORT applies to any powerful emotion that lifts one out of oneself and 
   usu. provokes vehement expression or frenzied action SYN syn ECSTASY, 
   RAPTURE, TRANSPORT mean intense exaltatio