Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. change                
vary \'ver-e-, 'var-\ \-in-le-\ vb [ME varien, fr. MF or L; MF varier, fr. 
   L variare, fr. var]ius various 1a: to make a partial change in : make 
   different in some attribute or ch aracteristic 1b: to make differences 
   between items in : DIVERSIFY  2: to present under new aspects {~ the rhythm 
   and harmonic treatme nt} 1: to exhibit or undergo change {a constantly ~ing 
   sky}  2: DEVIATE, DEPART  3: to take on successive values {y varies 
   inversely with x> 4: to exhibit divergence in structural or physiological 
   characters from th ose typical or usual in the group - vary.ing.ly av