Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. quality                2. ascribe               
1. at.tri.bute \'a-tr*-.byu:t\ n [ME, fr. L attributus, pp. of attribuere 
   to attribute, fr. ad-X + tribuere to bestow - more at TRIBUTE 1: an 
   inherent characteristic; also : an accidental quality  2: an object closely 
   associated with or belonging to a specific person, thi ng, or office; esp : 
   such an object used for identification in painting or sculpture 3: a word 
   ascribing a quality; esp : ADJECTIVE 
2. at.trib.ute \*-'trib-y*t\ vt 1: to explain by way of cause  2a: to 
   regard as a characteristic of a person or thing  2b: to reckon as made or 
   originated in an indicated fashion  2c: CLASSIFY, DESIGNATE  - 
   at.trib.ut.er n