Webster's English Dictionary

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1. har.mon.ic \ha:r-'ma:n-ik\ \-i-k*l\ \-i-k(*-)le-\ \-i-k*l-n*s\ aj 1: 
   MUSICAL  2: of or relating to musical harmony or harmonics  3: pleasing to 
   the ear : HARMONIOUS  4: expressible in terms of sine or cosine functions 
   {~ function}  5: of an integrated nature : CONGRUOUS  - har.mon.i.cal aj
2. harmonic n 1a: OVERTONE; esp : one whose vibration frequency is an integ 
   ral multiple of that of the fundamental 1b: a flutelike tone produced on a 
   stringed instrument by touching a vibrat ing string at a nodal point 2: a 
   component frequency of a harmonic motion (as of an electromagnetic wav e) 
   that is an integral multiple of the fundamental frequency