Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. show                  
1. ex.hib.it also ex.hib.it.er \ig-'zib-*t\ \-'zib-*t-*r\ vb [ME exhibiten, 
   fr. L exhibitus, pp. of exhibe-re, fr. e]x- + habe-re to have, hold - more 
   at GIVE 1: to present to view : as  1a: to show or display outwardly esp. 
   by visible signs or actions {~)Red no fear} 1b: to show publicly esp. for 
   purposes of competition or demonstration  2: to submit (as a document) to a 
   court or officer in course of proceeding s; also : to present or offer 
   officially or in legal form 3: to administer as a remedy  : to display 
   something for public inspection  - ex.hib.it.or n
2. exhibit n 1: an act or instance of exhibiting  2: something exhibited  
   3: a document or material object produced and identified in court or before 
    an examiner for use as evidence