1. wres.tle \'res-*l, 'ras-\ \-(*-)lin\ \'res-l*r, 'ras-\ vb or wres.tling
[ME wrastlen, wrestlen, fr. OE wr-stlian, freq. o]f wr\-stan 1:
to contend by grappling with and striving to trip or throw down an oppo
nent 2: to combat or overcome an opposing tendency or force 3: to engage
in deep thought, consideration, or debate 4: to strive earnestly in or as
if in a violent or determined struggle 1a: to engage in (a match, bout, or
fall) in wrestling 1b: to wrestle with {~ an alligator} 2: to move by or
as if by force - wres.tler n
2. wrestle n : the action or an instance of wrestling : STRUGGLE; specif :
a wrestling bout