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abol.ish \*-'ba:l-ish\ \-*-b*l\ \-m*nt\ vt [ME abolisshen, fr. MF aboliss-, 
   stem of abolir, fr. L abo]le-re, prob. back-formation fr. abolescere to 
   disappear, fr. ab- + -olescere (as in adolescere to grow up) - more at 
   ADULT 1: to do away with wholly : ANNUL  2: to destroy completely istent. 
   ABOLISH implies a putting an end chiefly to things that are the outgrowth 
   of law, custom, and conditions of existence; ANNIHILATE may apply to the 
   wiping out of existence of anything material or immaterial; EXTINGUISH 
   implies complete destruction and suggests a gradual means such as stifling, 
   choking, smothering - abol.ish.able aj SYN syn ABOLISH, ANNIHILATE, 
   EXTINGUISH mean to make nonex