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ad.journ \*-j*rn\ vb [ME ajournen, fr. MF ajourner, fr. a- (fr. L ad-) + 
   ]jour day - more at JOURNEY : to suspend indefinitely or until a later 
   stated time  : to suspend a session to another time or place or 
   indefinitely iberations either until an appointed resumption or 
   indefinitely; PROROGUE and DISSOLVE apply to action by the crown or its 
   representative; PROROGUE implies ending a session so that all bills not 
   enacted are quashed and can be taken up only as new matter at a succeeding 
   session; DISSOLVE implies that the body ceases to exist as presently 
   constituted so that an election must be held if it is to be reconstituted 
   SYN syn PROROGUE, DISSOLVE: ADJOURN implies suspending del