Webster's English Dictionary

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ses.sion \'sesh-*n\ \'sesh-n*l, -*n-*l\ n [ME, fr. MF, fr. L session-, 
   sessio, lit., act of sitting, fr. s]essus, pp. of sede-re to sit - more at 
   SIT 1: a meeting or series of meetings of a body (as a court or 
   legislature) fo r the transaction of business {morning ~} pl  2a1: a 
   sitting of English justices of peace in execution of the powers conf erred 
   by their commissions 2a2: an English court holding such sessions  2b: any 
   of various courts answering more or less to the English sessions  3: the 
   period between the first meeting of a legislative or judicial body a nd the 
   prorogation or final adjournment 4: the ruling body of a Presbyterian 
   congregation consisting of the elders  in active service 5: the period 
   during the year or day in which a school conducts classes  6: a meeting or 
   period devoted to a particular activity {recording ~R} - ses.sion.al aj