Webster's English Dictionary

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1. ad.junct \'aj-.*n(k)t\ \a-'j*n(k)-tiv\ n [L adjunctum, fr. neut. of 
   adjunctus, pp. of adjungere] 1: something joined or added to another thing 
   but not essentially a part of  it 2: a word or word group that qualifies or 
   completes the meaning of another word or other words and is not itself one 
   of the principal structural elements in its sentence 3: a person associated 
   with or assisting another  - ad.junc.tive aj
2. adjunct \'aj-.*n(k)-tle-, -.*n-kle-\ aj 1: added or joined as an 
   accompanying object or circumstance  2: attached in a subordinate or 
   temporary capacity to a staff  - ad.junct.ly av