Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. stave                 
1. staff \'staf\ \'stavz, 'sta-vz\ n or staffs or staves [ME staf, fr. OE 
   stf; akin to OHG stab staff, sta] pl mpfo-n to stamp - more at STAMP 
   1a: a long stick carried in the hand for support in walking  1b: a 
   supporting rod : as  archaic  1b1: SHAFT  1b2: a crosspiece in a ladder or 
   chair : RUNG  1b3: FLAGSTAFF  1b4: a pivoted arbor  1c: CLUB, CUDGEL  2a: 
   CROSIER  2b: a rod carried as a symbol of office or authority  3: the 
   horizontal lines with their spaces on which music is written  4: any of 
   various graduated sticks or rules used for measuring : RODM pl staffs  5a: 
   the officers chiefly responsible for the internal operations of an inst 
   itution or business 5b: a group of officers appointed to assist a civil 
   executive or commanding  officer 5c: military or naval officers not 
   eligible for operational command  5d: the personnel who assist a director 
   in carrying out an assigned task  - staff aj
2. staff vt : to supply with a staff or with workers 
3. staff n [prob. fr. G staffieren to trim] : a building material having a 
   plaster of Paris base and used in exterior  wall coverings of temporary 