Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. analyze                2. decide                
1. re.solve \ri-'za:lv, -'zo.lv\ vb [L resolvere to unloose, dissolve, fr. 
   re- + solvere to loose]n, release - more at SOLVE obs  1: DISSOLVE, MELT  
   2a: to break up : SEPARATE; also : to change by disintegra tion 2b: to 
   reduce by analysis  2c: to distinguish between or make independently 
   visible adjacent parts of  2d: to separate (a racemic compound or mixture) 
   into the two components  3: to cause resolution of (as inflammation)  4a: 
   to clear up : DISPEL {~ doubts}  4b: to find an answer to  4c: to find a 
   mathematical solution of  5: to reach a decision about  6a: to declare or 
   decide by a formal resolution and vote  6b: to change by resolution or 
   formal vote  7: to make (as voice parts) progress from dissonance to 
   consonance  8: to work out the resolution of (as a play)  1: to become 
   separated into component parts; also : to become redu ced by dissolving or 
   analysis 2: to form a resolution : DETERMINE  3: CONSULT, DELIBERATE  4: to 
   progress from dissonance to consonance  - re.solv.er n
2. resolve n 1: something resolved : DETERMINATION, RESOLUTION  2: fixity 
   of purpose