Cross references:
1. decide 2. discover
de.ter.mine \di-'t*r-m*n\ \-'t*rm-(*-)nin\ vb or [ME
determinen, fr. MF determiner, fr. L determinare, fr. ]de- + terminare to
limit, fr. terminus boundary, limit 1a: to fix conclusively or
authoritatively 1b: to decide by judicial sentence 1c: to settle or
decide by choice of alternatives or possibilities 1d: RESOLVE 2a: to fix
the form or character of beforehand : ORDAIN {two poi nts ~ a straight
line} 2b: to bring about as a result : REGULATE {demand ~s the price} 3a:
to fix the boundaries of 3b: to limit in extent or scope 3c: to put or
set an end to : TERMINATE {~ an estate} 4a: to obtain definite and
firsthand knowledge of {~ a position at sea} 4b: to discover the taxonomic
position or the generic and specific names o f 1: to come to a decision 2:
to come to an end or become void