Webster's English Dictionary

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adopt \*-'da:pt\ \*-.da:p-t*-'bil-*t-e-\ \-'da:p-t*-b*l\ vt [MF or L; MF 
   adopter, fr. L adoptare, fr. ad- + optare]to choose - more at OPTION 1: to 
   take by choice into a relationship; specif : to take volunta rily (a child 
   of other parents) as one's own child 2: to take up and practice as one's 
   own  3: to accept formally and put into effect  4: to choose (a textbook) 
   for required study in a course olicy, or practice as one's own. ADOPT 
   implies accepting something devised or created by another; EMBRACE implies 
   a ready or happy acceptance; ESPOUSE adds an implication of close 
   attachment to a cause and a sharing of its fortunes for better or worse - 
   adopt.abil.i.ty n SYN syn ADOPT, EMBRACE, ESPOUSE mean to take an opinion, 