Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. ponder                
1. muse \'myu:z\ \'myu:-zin-le-\ vb [ME musen, fr. MF muser to gape, idle, 
   muse, fr. muse mouth o]f an animal, fr. ML musus 1: to become absorbed in 
   thought : MEDITATE  archaic  2: WONDER, MARVEL  : to think or say 
   reflectively  - mus.er n
2. muse n : a state of deep thought or dreamy abstraction : BROWN STUDY 
3. muse n [ME, fr. MF, fr. L Musa, fr. Gk Mousa] cap  1: any of the nine 
   sister goddesses in Greek mythology presiding over song  and poetry and the 
   arts and sciences 2: a source of inspiration; esp : a guiding genius  3: