Webster's English Dictionary

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1. sculp.ture \'sk*lp-ch*r\ n [ME, fr. L sculptura, fr. sculptus, pp. of 
   sculpere to carve,] alter. of scalpere - more at SHELF 1a: the act, 
   process, or art of carving, cutting, or otherwise processing p lastic or 
   hard materials into works of art 1b1: work produced by sculpture  1b2: a 
   three-dimensional work of art (as a statue)  2: impressed or raised 
   markings or a pattern of such on a plant or animal p art
2. sculpture \'sk*lp-ch*-rin, 'sk*lp-shrin\ vb or sculp.tur.ing 1a: to form 
   an image or representation of from solid material (as wood or  stone) 1b: 
   to carve or otherwise form into a three-dimensional work of art  2: to 
   change (the form of the earth's surface) by erosion  : to work as a 