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Cross references:
  1. method                 2. make                  
1. fash.ion \'fash-*n\ n [ME facioun, fasoun shape, manner, fr. OF fac~X, 
   fr. L f]action-, factio act of making, faction, fr. factus, pp. of facere 
   to make 1a: the make or form of something  archaic  1b: KIND, SORT  2: 
   MANNER, WAY  3a: a prevailing custom, usage, or style  3b1: the prevailing 
   style (as in dress) during a particular time  3b2: a garment in such a 
   style  3c: social standing or prominence esp. as signalized by dress or 
   conduct AGE, CRAZE mean the accepted usage by those wishing to be regarded 
   as up-to-date. FASHION is the most general term and applies to any way of 
   dressing, behaving, writing, performing that is favored at any one time or 
   place; STYLE often implies a distinctive fashion adopted by people of 
   wealth or taste; MODE suggests the fashion of the moment among those 
   anxious to appear elegant and sophisticated; VOGUE stresses the prevalence 
   or wide acceptance of a fashion; FAD suggests caprice in taking up or in 
   dropping a fashion; RAGE and CRAZE stress intense or senseless enthusiasm 
   in adopting or pursuing a fad SYN syn FASHION, STYLE, MODE, VOGUE, FAD, R 
2. fashion \'fash-(*-)nin\ \-(*-)n*r\ vt or fash.ion.ing 1a: to give shape 
   or form to : MOLD  1b: ALTER, TRANSFORM  1c: to mold into a particular 
   character by influencing or training  2: FIT, ADAPT  obs  3: CONTRIVE  - 
   fash.ion.er n