Webster's English Dictionary

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1. pen.sion \'pen-ch*n\ \pa:ns-yo-n\ \'pen-ch*n-l*s\ n [ME, fr. MF, fr. L 
   pension-, pensio, fr. pensus, pp. of pe] often attrib ndere to pay - more 
   at PENDANT 1: a fixed sum paid regularly to a person :  archaic  1a: WAGE  
   1b: a gratuity granted (as by a government) as a favor or reward  1c: one 
   paid under given conditions to a person following his retirement fr om 
   service or to his surviving dependents 2a: payment for board and room  2b: 
   a boardinghouse esp. in continental Europe  - pen.sion.less aj
2. pen.sion \'pen-sh*n\ \'pench-(*-)nin\ \'pench-(*-)n*-b*l\ vt or 
   pen.sion.ing : to grant or pay a pension to  - pen.sion.able aj