Webster's English Dictionary

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1. bit \'bit\ n [ME bitt, fr. OE bite act of biting; akin to OE bi-tan] 1: 
   something bitten or held with the teeth :  1a: the usu. steel part of a 
   bridle inserted in the mouth of a horse  1b: the rimmed mouth end on the 
   stem of a pipe or cigar holder  2a: the biting or cutting edge or part of a 
   tool; also : a replacea ble part of a compound tool that actually performs 
   the function (as drilling or boring) for which the whole tool is designed 
   pl  2b: the jaws or nippers of tongs or pincers  3: something that curbs or 
   restrains  4: the part of a key that enters the lock and acts on the bolt 
   and tumblers 
2. bit vt or bit.ted;  or bit.ting 1a: to put a bit in the mouth of (a 
   horse)  1b: to control as if with a bit : CURB  2: to form a bit on (a key) 
3. bit n [ME, fr. OE bita; akin to OE bi-tan] 1: a small quantity of food : 
   MORSEL; esp : a small delicac y 2a: a small piece or quantity of some 
   material thing  2b1: a small coin  2b2: a unit of value equal to 1/8 of a 
   dollar {four ~Xs} 3: something small or unimportant of its kind : as  3a: a 
   brief period : WHILE  3b: SOMEWHAT : some degree or extent  3c: the 
   smallest or an insignificant amount or degree  3d: a small part usu. with 
   spoken lines in a theatrical performance 
4. bit n [binary digit] 1: a unit of information equivalent to the result 
   of a choice between two e qually probable alternatives 2: a unit of 
   computer memory corresponding to the ability to store the resu lt of a 
   choice between two alternatives