Webster's English Dictionary

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1. bruise \bru:z\ vb [ME brusen, brisen, fr. MF & OE; MF bruisier to break, 
   of Cel]t origin; akin to OIr bru-u I shatter; OE bry-san to bruise akin to 
   OIr bru-u, L frustum piece archaic  1a: DISABLE  1b: BATTER, DENT  2: to 
   inflict a bruise on : CONTUSE  3: CRUSH  4: WOUND, INJURE; esp : to inflict 
   psychological hurt  on 1: to inflict a bruise  2: to show the effects of 
2. bruise n 1a: an injury that does not break the skin but causes rupture 
   of small unde rlying blood vessels with resulting discoloration of tissues 
   : CONTUSION 1b: a similar injury to plant tissue  2: ABRASION, SCRATCH  3: 
   an injury esp. to the feelings