Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. crowd                 
1. crush \'kr*sh\ vb [ME crusshen, fr. MF cruisir, of Gmc origin; akin to 
   MLG krossen] to crush 1a: to squeeze or force by pressure so as to alter or 
   destroy structure  1b: to squeeze together into a mass  2: HUG, EMBRACE  3: 
   to reduce to particles by pounding or grinding  4a: SUPPRESS, OVERWHELM  
   4b: to oppress or burden grievously  4c: to subdue completely  5: CROWD, 
   PUSH  archaic  6: DRINK  obs  1: CRASH  2: to become crushed  3: to advance 
   with or as if by crushing  - crush.er n
2. crush n obs  1: CRASH  2: an act of crushing  3a: a violent crowding (as 
   of people)  3b: a large reception or party  4: INFATUATION; also : the 
   object of infatuation