Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. fracture              
1. rup.ture \'r*p-ch*r\ n [ME ruptur, fr. MF or L; MF rupture, fr. L 
   ruptura fracture,]fr. ruptus, pp. of rumpere to break - more at REAVE 1: 
   breach of peace or concord; specif : open hostility or war betwe en nations 
   2a: the tearing apart of a tissue {~ of the heart muscle ~ of  an 
   intervertebral disk} 2b: HERNIA  3: a breaking apart or the state of being 
   broken apart 
2. rupture \-ch*-rin, -shrin\ vb or rup.tur.ing 1a: to part by violence : 
   BREAK  1b: to create or induce a breach of  2: to produce a rupture in  : 
   to have a rupture