1. bug \'b*g\ n [ME bugge scarecrow; akin to Norw dial, bugge important man
- mor]e at BIG obs 1: BOGEY, BUGBEAR 2a: an insect or other creeping or
crawling invertebrate 2b: any of several insects commonly considered esp.
obnoxious : as 2b1: BEDBUG 2b2: COCKROACH 2b3: HEAD LOUSE 2c: any of an
order (Hemiptera and esp. its suborder Heteroptera) of insect s with
sucking mouthparts, fore wings thickened at the base, and incomplete
metamorphosis including many economic pests - called also true bug 3: an
unexpected defect, fault, flaw, or imperfection 4: a disease-producing
germ or a disease caused by it 5a: FAD, ENTHUSIASM 5b: ENTHUSIAST,
HOBBYIST 5c: a crazy person archaic 6a: a self-important person 6b: a
prominent person
2. bug vt or bugged; or bug.ging : to plant a concealed microphone in