Webster's English Dictionary

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cae.su.ra \si-'z(h)u.r-*\ \-'z(h)u.(*)r-(.)e-\ \-'z(h)u.r-*l\ n or caesuras 
   or cae.su.rae [LL, fr. L, act of cutting, fr. caedere to cut] pl  in Greek 
   and Latin prosody  1: a break in the flow of sound in a verse caused by the 
   ending of a word w ithin a foot in modern prosody  2: a usu. rhetorical 
   break in the flow of sound in the middle of a line of  verse 3: BREAK, 
   INTERRUPTION  4: a pause marking a rhythmic point of division in a melody  
   - cae.su.ral aj