Webster's English Dictionary

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1. verse \'v*rs\ n [ME vers, fr. OF, fr. L versus, lit., turning, fr. 
   versus, pp]. of vertere to turn - more at WORTH 1: a line of metrical 
   writing  2a1: metrical language  2a2: metrical writing distinguished from 
   poetry esp. by its lower level of  intensity 2a3: POETRY  2b: POEM  2c: a 
   body of metrical writing (as of a period)  3: STANZA  4: one of the short 
   divisions into which a chapter of the Bible is traditio nally divided
2. verse vi : to make verse : VERSIFY  1: to tell or celebrate in verse  2: 
   to turn into verse 
3. verse vt [back-formation fr. versed, fr. L versatus, pp. of versari to] 
   be active, be occupied (in), pass. of versare to turn, fr. versus, pp. : to 
   familiarize by close association, study, or experience {versed)X himself in 
   the theater}