Webster's English Dictionary

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1. sto.ry \'sto-r-e-, 'sto.r-\ \-.ri-t-*r\ n [ME storie, fr. OF estorie, 
   fr. L historia] archaic  1: HISTORY, HISTORY  2a: an account of incidents 
   or events  2b: a statement regarding the facts pertinent to a situation in 
   question  2c: ANECDOTE; esp : an amusing one  3a: a fictional narrative 
   shorter than a novel; specif : SHORT S TORY 3b: the intrigue or plot of a 
   narrative or dramatic work  4: a widely circulated rumor  5: LIE, FALSEHOOD 
    6: LEGEND, ROMANCE  7: a news article or broadcast  - sto.ry.writ.er n
2. story vt archaic  1: to narrate or describe in story  2: to adorn with a 
   story or a scene from history 
3. story or sto.rey n [ME storie, fr. ML historia picture, story of a 
   building, fr. L, hi]story, tale; prob. fr. pictures adorning the windows of 
   medieval buildings 1: a set of rooms on one floor level of a building  2: a 
   horizontal division of a building's exterior not necessarily correspon ding 
   exactly with the stories within