1. spe.cies \'spe--(.)she-z, -(.)se-z\ n or species [L, appearance, kind,
species - more at SPY] pl 1a: a class of individuals having common
attributes and designated by a com mon name; specif : a logical division of
a genus or more comprehensive class 1b: KIND, SORT 1c1: a category of
biological classification ranking immediately below the genus or subgenus,
comprising related organisms or populations potentially capable of
interbreeding, and being designated by a binomial that consists of the name
of its genus followed by a Latin or latinized uncapitalized noun or
adjective agreeing grammatically with the genus name 1c2: an individual or
kind belonging to such a species 1d: a particular kind of atomic nucleus
or atom 2: the consecrated eucharistic elements; specif : the accidents of
the eucharistic bread and wine as distinguished in Roman Catholicism from
their substance 3a: a mental image; also : a sensible object 3b: an object
of thought correlative with a natural object
2. species aj : belonging to a biological species as distinguished from a
horticultural variety {a ~ rose}