Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. join                  
1. link \'link\ n [ME, of Scand origin; akin to ON hlekkr chain; akin to OE 
   hlanc lan]k 1: a connecting structure : as  1a1: a single ring or division 
   of a chain  1a2: one of the standardized divisions of a surveyor's chain 
   that is 7.92 i nches long and serves as a measure of length 1b: a usu. 
   ornamental device for fastening a cuff  1c: BOND  1d: an intermediate rod 
   or piece for transmitting force or motion; espX : a short connecting rod 
   with a hole or pin at each end 1e: the fusible member of an electrical fuse 
    2: something analogous to a link of chain : as  2a: a segment of sausage 
   in a chain  2b: a connecting element  2c: a unit in a communication system  
   pl, dial  3: a winding of a river or watercourse; also : the ground along 
   suc h a winding - link.er n
2. link vt : to couple or connect by a link to become connected by a link 
3. link n [perh. modif. of ML linchinus candle, alter. of L lychnus, fr. Gk 
   (Xlychnos; akin to Gk leukos white - more at LIGHT : a torch formerly used 
   to light a person on his way through the streets 
4. link vi [origin unknown] Scot  : to trip or skip smartly along