Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. position               2. task                  
1. job \'ja:b\ n [perh. fr. obs. E job (lump)] 1a: a piece of work; specif 
   : a small miscellaneous piece of work u ndertaken on order at a stated rate 
   1b: the object or material on which work is being done  1c: something 
   produced by or as if by work  2a: something done for private advantage  2b: 
   a criminal enterprise; specif : ROBBERY  slang  2c: a damaging piece of 
   work {did a ~ on him}  3a1: something that has to be done : TASK  3a2: an 
   undertaking requiring unusual exertion  3b: a specific duty, role, or 
   function  3c: a regular remunerative position  3d: state of affairs  4: the 
   process of doing a piece of work 
2. job vb or jobbed;  or job.bing 1: to do odd or occasional pieces of work 
   for hire  2: to carry on public business for private gain  3: to carry on 
   the business of a middleman  1: to buy and sell for profit : SPECULATE  2: 
   to hire or let by the job or for a period of service  3: to get, deal with, 
   or effect by jobbery  4: to do or cause to be done by separate portions or 
3. job aj Brit  1: that is for hire for a given service or period  2: used 
   in, engaged in, or done as job work Job \'jo-b\ n [L, fr. Gk Io-b, fr. Heb 
   Iyyo-bh] : the hero of an Old Testament book who endures afflictions with 
   fortitude  and faith